The story of Masjid-al-Aqsa and its importance to Muslims
Israeli Conspiracy to FAKE Masjid-al-Aqsa Israel's plan is to make everyone believe that the Dome of the Rock is Masjid Al-Aqsa, this advertising has been running for over 70 years, and it worked. Israel is trying hard to make Muslims believe that Dome of Rock is THE Masjid-al-Aqsa. Whenever Mosque Al-Aqsa is mentioned in the media, it shows the picture of Mosque (Dome of the Rock). Aim of the Plan: When they destroy Masjid Al-Aqsa, no one will recognize anything, except for the one's that know the difference. The process of destroying Masjid Al-Aqsa has started already. Many Muslims and Non-Muslims publish the incorrect picture of Masjid Al-Aqsa out of ignorance. What is worse than this is that many Muslims today, display the picture of the Dome of the Rock in their homes and offices, as it were Mosque Al-Aqsa. The real tragedy is that generations of Muslim children (as well as many adults) around the world, are unable to differentiate between...