Were Are We Heading? - Adopting Non-Muslim Norms

Christmas, New Year and Valentine’s Day were not enough for the young generation of our country to copy Kufaars (non-Muslims) so the young in Pakistan have picked another Kufaria festival to ridicule the true sense of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Holi. A festival celebrated by the followers of 100 Million Gods, Hindus.  We have become used to those festivities being celebrated in companies, organizations, societies, etc. We have become used to participating, joining, and attending these events of falsehood, behaving in a way not befitting those who belong to this magnificent religion.
These Makruh festivals have now reached our educational institutions. UET Lahore celebrates Colour Day, very much similar to Holy celebrated by Hindus. And now the youth of Lahore has been invited to imitate the Hindus and splash colours to each other and have battles of music and dance.
The event which prompted me to write this.

It is for this reason that I want to write these words as a reminder for this Ummah.
The People of Book have had common grounds with Muslims that are not applicable to us now. Islam is our Deen now and we have to follow Islam. To follow Islam, we must follow The Holy Quran and the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW). Allah has indicated to us the hostility of the infidels in many verses, including: "Verily, the disbelievers are ever unto you open enemies" [4: 101]. Allah (SWT) also called them the party of Satan and Satan's allies, etc.
The Prophet (SAWW) said: 'You will follow the ways of those nations who were before you, span by span and cubit by cubit (i.e., inch by inch) so much so that even if they entered a hole of a zab (a kind of lizard) you would follow them.' We said, 'O Allah's Apostle! (Do you mean) the Jews and the Christians?' He said, 'Whom else?' (Sahih Bukhari Kitaab-ul-ietisaam Part: 3 Page: 937)
Celebrating the Christmas, Holi and festivities of others as well, all come under the same ruling. Since we should not imitate them in festivities, the people who apparently are in this Ummah and who do this must be forbidden from doing so, let alone approve and support them. We should not answer invitations from them if they invite us specifically on such occasions. If someone holds an unusual celebration that coincides with one of the People of the Book's festivities we do not have to answer the invitation although otherwise a Muslim should answer an invitation from a fellow Muslim as in the prophet's tradition.
The detailed evidence from the Book of Allah includes Allah's description of the believers, whom He calls "Worshippers of the Most Gracious", saying: "And those who do not witness falsehood and if they pass by "Lag how" (evil play or evil talk) they pass by it with dignity". [25: 72]. This ayat is very clear and explains the dislike of Allah as regards to such festivities.
The Tradition contains numerous Hadiths including; Anas (RA) said: Rasulullah (SAWW) arrived to Al-Madinah when its citizens had two days as festivities (The Arabs had two days of festivities in pre-Islamic time). The prophet (SallAllah-u-Alaihi-wa-Sallam) said: "What are those two days?" ! They said: "We used to celebrate them in pre-Islamic time." He said: "Allah has offered you two better alternative days, Day of Al-Adha and Day of Fitr". [Abu Dawood, Ahmad, Nasai, Sanad: Sahih].
The implication of this hadith is that Rasulullah (SAWW) did not approve those two pre-Islamic festivities and did not allow them to celebrate them and insisted on alternative festivities.

The second hadith by Thabit Ibn Al-Dhahalah (RA) said: A man during the time of the Prophet (SallAllah-u-Alaihi-wa-Sallam) made a vow to Allah to slaughter camels at "Bawatah". The prophet asked: Was there an idol of the pre-Islamic idols? He said: No. The prophet said: Was there any of their festivities? He said: No. The Prophet said: Then carry out your vow (Baasa). There should be no vows implying disobedience to Allah nor in what one has no power to do it." [Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim]. 
"Thus it is clear that the implication in this hadith is that slaughtering in a place of their festivities or idols is an act of disobedience to Allah (SWT)".

Until 3:45 a.m. June 1 -- 75 are attending this event. Including 8 of my friends.

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) issued a stern warning:
"Whoever imitates a nation is one of them!" (Reported by Ahmed, Abu Dawood, Kitaabul Libaas Part: 3 Page: 241, Mishkaat Part: 2 Page: 329, Sanad: Sahih, Buloogh ul Amaani Part: 6 Page: 121)
The Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) said:
The Final Hour will not come until my followers copy the deeds of the previous nations and follow them very closely, span by span, and cubit by cubit (inch by inch). (Sahih Bukhari Kitaab-ul-ietisaam, Part: 3 Page: 937).
So let us all give it a clear thought, Can we risk going against the Quran and Holy Prophet (SAWW)? Should we be going against them? Just for a minute, but please Give It A Thought!!


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